“To err is human; to forgive, divine.” - Alexander Pope
It is a place we have all been before. You have overeaten and regret is setting in. Bullying yourself over a simple slip-up will not only make you feel worse about yourself, but it will not accomplish anything.
Instead, it will be more beneficial to learn what caused your food binge to happen, as well as how to move on while regaining control of your diet goals. This means learning what led to the binge, how to cope with the after affects, and how you will return to your healthy lifestyle.
Keeping a food journal will not only help you keep track of your daily caloric intake, but it can also shine light on the situations and emotions that you experience before your unintended food binge. There is no one right way to keep a food journal, so you should experiment to find what works best for you. Calories consumed, amount of activity, quality of sleep, stress level, and your emotions are all good things to keep track of in your journal.