7 Reasons Why the HCG Diet is the BEST Diet for Quick Weight Loss

If You Want Quick Weight Loss, the HCG Diet Delivers

There are several diet programs that profess to help you lose massive amounts of weight both quickly and easily. However, the one that seems to stand heads above the rest is the HCG Diet. What makes this one program the best of the best? Well, instead of sharing just one reason, here are seven to consider:


Reason #1: The HCG diet is so detailed you can’t go wrong. Generally, when you lose weight or gain it, it’s in the small details of what you do and don’t do. This program addresses everything you need to know about how and what to eat so that you’re not limiting your results from doing one tiny thing that you didn’t even realize was affecting your weight loss progress. You’ll know exactly what to do and not to do on the HCG diet.


Reason #2: The HCG diet is based on science. Developed by Dr. A.T.W. Simeons, the HCG Diet is designed to use the natural processes of your body to help you safely lose the most weight possible in the least amount of time. The HCG diet accesses your deep fat stores and uses those for most of your body’s daily energy needs. No other weight loss ingredient can do that – none.


Reason #3: The HCG diet is adaptable for vegans and vegetarians. Most diets give you a very structured menu plan, which usually includes consuming meats and animal products for protein. However, even though this diet is very detailed, it still allows you to eliminate animal products from your eating if you are vegan or vegetarian.


Reason #4: The HCG diet doesn’t require exercise. Many diet programs require you to workout 30 to 60 minutes a day, but not the HCG Diet. Because it is focused on getting your body to take itself to a natural and healthy weight, no outside exercise is necessary for the process to work. This eases the stress that most people feel when trying to fit a workout into their already busy schedule.


Reason #5: You don’t have to give up your tea and coffee. There are a number of diets that want you to either severely restrict or completely eliminate your tea and coffee intake. However, if you’re attached to your morning or mid-afternoon caffeine fix, as most people are, this can be enough to get you to drop the program before you even start to see results.


Reason #6: The HCG diet focuses on consumption of whole foods. If you follow a diet program that lets you eat a bunch of processed foods (think diet snacks, bars, and low-fat desserts), you’re really not doing your weight loss program, or your body, any favors. These types of empty calories are not only unhealthy, but they also promote weight gain because their artificial sweeteners increase your appetite.


Reason #7: The HCG is all you need to lose a lot of weight in a short amount of time. While other dietary programs may try to convince you to take their supplements or eat their foods, no matter what unnatural ingredients they contain, with the HCG Diet all you need is fresh, whole food and a bottle of HCG drops. (NOTE: Make sure you take real HCG drops – the market is flooded with imitation or “hormone free” drops that are a waste of your money no matter how convincing the advertising copy is.)


So, is the HCG Diet right for you? On the ThinNow website, the trusted industry leader in authentic HCG diet products, you’ll see dozens of recent, real life clients whose weight loss spans 10 to 246 pounds. It worked for them and it will work for you too!



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